I am a female Army veteran. I live in Escondido Ca with my husband and my 4 kids. I served in Iraq 2006. This journey of diving has been more amazing that I could ever imagine! In July 2017, I was introduced to diving by Kym Larsen. I have dove in La Jolla and Catalina Island. I am diagnose with TBI, PTSD and other injuries. Some of my symptoms are memory loss, chronic pain and depression.
For me, diving takes me away from my symptoms and my life opens up to this new world under the sea where all I feel is peace. All the sounds just stop. Peaceful silence... like a real mermaid, “part of that world” with fishes that come closer to take a curious look at me and I hear nothing else and thus nothing comes in the way of me enjoying the beautiful sea life on every dive.
Thanks to donors and supporters I had the privilege diving with my brothers and sisters and that is healing to me. I strongly recommend suba diving to my fellow disabled veterans. I am currently looking forward in owning my own scuba gear and exploring other oceans.